Home Coronavirus: How to get a permit to move house during Dubai’s sterilisation programme?

Coronavirus: How to get a permit to move house during Dubai’s sterilisation programme?

Dubai: Residents in Dubai can now move home after downloading an emergency permit from the police website.

According to licenced moving companies in the UAE, who have been operating in a grey area of uncertainty over the last two weeks, it is now business as usual as residents now feel more comfortable to move home.

“Moving house is one of the top five most stressful things in life,” said Chris Humphrey, owner of Easytruck Moving and Storage.

“Now, add a pandemic and a lockdown to that equation and turn the anxiety dial to 11! The last two weeks did cause some confusion with regards to permits for moving home. But that has been put to rest. We do face some challenges on and off but just to reassure people that they can shift to a new place even during the sterilisation drive,” said Humphrey.

Read More >> Coronavirus: How to get a permit to move house during Dubai’s sterilisation programme?

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